I stumbled across this great site called Goodreads (www.goodreads.com). It's a great way to keep online reading lists of what you have read, what you are reading, and what you want to read. They also have challenges that you can set for yourself. At first, I wanted to do 100 books this year, but once I got to reading, I realized that getting myself back into the swing of reading, 100 books might be too many. I could have easily read that much during high school. In college, I would get so burnt out from studying, I would rather go hang with friends, watch a movie, etc. I had very little desire to read. It was a really weird feeling considering I loved to read so much as an adolescent. Basically, the point of this post is to invite you into the world of reading with me. I have a widget on the side of my page that shows the challenge that I'm doing through Goodreads. --------------->
I'm also keeping a timeline on my computer. Here is what I have read so far:
Goal: 25
Actual: 12
- One for the Money by Janet Evanovich (1/16)
- The Doctor's Wife by Elizabeth Brundage (1/21)
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (1/25)
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (1/28)
- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (1/29)
- Divergent by Veronica Roth (4/10)
- Matched by Ally Condie (4/17)
- Crossed by Ally Condie (4/18)
- Insurgent by Veronica Roth (5/2)
- Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James (6/23)
- Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James (6/27)
- Fifty Shades Freed by E.L. James (7/3)
I took a break during February and March. Jon was gone for training, and I had just found out I was pregnant. It was not the easiest time for us, and my main concern was definitely not what book I was going to read that month. According to Goodreads, I am on track with my goal. I need to read at least two books per month for the rest of the year. That is pretty manageable. I am just so picky when it comes to what to read. Eventually, I want to post book reviews/opinions on each book. If you have any suggestions for a good read, feel free to comment below. I am always up for some suggestions.
Until next time,
Peace. Love. and Babies.